On 12th February 2024 between 00:45 AM and 02:00 CET Tink experienced a technical issue which impacted all of our Products’ (with degraded performance experienced until 11.00 CET for the following products: Account Check, Business Account Check, Risk Insights, Income Check and Expense Check).
Root Cause Analysis
After a thorough investigation, it was found out that a database upgrade due to be conducted on a no-downtime basis failed and led to our services being unavailable from 00.45 AM CET to 02.00 AM CET.
Additionally, databases required by Account Check and Risk products remained unavailable until 11.00 CET and led to a partial degradation of those products.
Once the issue was identified, we performed all the necessary steps to complete the required upgrades and bring up our services into operational status again.
To prevent similar issues in the future Tink will be implementing the following actions: